Sociology at Work

Sociology at Work

Sociology at Work is the official newsletter of AACS! Sociology at Work is produced quarterly, and is distributed to our members, posted on our social media pages, and shared on this page.

We welcome your submissions! We publish a variety of content, including original essays, interviews, research and practice notes, teaching and mentoring notes, research reports, film reviews, book reviews and other items of interest related to the practice of applied, clinical and public sociology. We are also interested in your announcements, such as book releases, member news and accomplishments, calls for papers, and job opportunities.

Items for submission to Sociology at Work should be sent to:

We request that all contributions include the contributor’s name, preferred email address, and professional affiliation, as well as the names, email addresses, and professional affiliations of all persons mentioned in the copy.

The editor reserves the right to publish or not to publish any submission and to edit any submission when necessary. All contributions reflect the views of the authors and are not necessarily shared by the Association or the institutions with which the authors are affiliated.

Current Issue​

Past Issues