Student Problem-Solving Competition

Connecting Incarcerated Parents with Foster Children
2024 Virtual Annual Conference

Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology

November 1 -2, 2024

The Client Problem Competition (CPC) is an annual student team competition held at the
Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS) conference every year. This year’s
conference is virtual.

The teams consist of 3 or 4 undergraduate students, under the guidance of a faculty member,
attempting to solve the client’s problem. The 2024 client is Texas CASA; and the problem is
“connecting incarcerated parents with their foster children.”

This event provides students with the opportunity to utilize their sociological skills, experience
teamwork, and serves as a valuable network for the next generation of practicing sociologists.
The teams will present their solution to the Texas CASA representative(s) and members of the
AACS executive committee at the 2024 virtual conference. The winning team’s university or
college receives a plaque and the members of the team receive 4 years of free membership with

For more information about this even or to register a team, please contact Cynthia T. Cook, PhD
at or deadline for registering is October
10, 2024. All participants must be members of AACS. Students can join at a discounted rate.